@misc{oai:invenio:00000095, author = {慶應義塾大学経済学部附属経済研究所パネルデータ設計・解析センター and The Panel Data Research Center, Institute for Economic Studies, Keio University}, month = {2022-02, 2025-01-06}, note = {全国の成人男女とその配偶者を対象に、就業、消費、所得、、教育健康・医療、生活時間、住宅、資産など、幅広い質問項目を追跡調査したパネル調査です。2004年に慶應義塾家計パネル調査(KHPS)として4,005名とその配偶者を対象に調査が開始され、その後、2007年(1,419名)、2012年(1,012名)に新規調査対象者が追加されました。また、2009年に日本家計パネル調査(JHPS)として4,022名とその配偶者を対象に新な調査が開始され、その後、2019年(2,203名)、2021年(1,417名)に新規調査対象者が追加されました。, The JHPS/KHPS targets adult men and women and their spouses from the whole of Japan. This panel survey questionnaires cover a wide range of topics, such as employment, income, health, education, distribution of living hours, and assets. The Keio Household Panel Survey is a longitudinal survey that started in 2004 with 4,005 subjects. Given sample attrition, new subjects were added in 2007 (1,419 subjects) and 2012 (1,012 subjects). And also, the Japan Household Panel Survey (JHPS) is a longitudinal survey that started in 2009 with 4,022 subjects. Given sample attrition, new subjects were added in 2019(2,203 subjects) and 2021(1,417 subjects). Covering a wide range of topics, such as employment, income, health, education, distribution of living hours, assets, etc, the survey targets adult Japanese men and women and their respective spouses., 日本に居住する満20歳以上の男女, men and women aged over 20 in Japan, 【KHPS】対象者数/回答者数(うち復活票)/回答率(復活票除く) 2,139/1,957 (50)/92.8%, 【JHPS】対象者数/回答者数(うち復活票)/回答率(復活票除く) 3,000/2,559 (111)/85.3%, KHPS: Number of subjects/ Number of respondents (of which revivals)/ response rate (excluding revivals) 2,139/ 1,957 (50)/ 92.8%, JHPS: Number of subjects/ Number of respondents (of which revivals)/ response rate (excluding revivals) 3,000/ 2,559 (111)/ 85.3%, 個人, 家族, 家族: 世帯家族, 世帯, Individual, Family, Family: Household family, Household, 量的調査: ミクロデータ, quantitative research: micro data, 確率: 層別抽出: 比例割当法, Probability: Stratified: Proportional, 自記式調査票, Self-administered questionnaire}, title = {日本家計パネル調査 (JHPS/KHPS) 2004-2022}, year = {} }